1. Making Laconica and WordPress work together

    2009-07-12 SAT, Montréal

    Sarven Capadisli
  2. Creative Commons

    (cc) Creative Commons Share Share Remix Remix Attribution Attribute
  3. Overview

    Aletscher Glacier Overview
  4. About identi.ca

  5. Free Network Services

    Franklin Street Statement:

    Open source logoOpen Software Service Definition:

  6. Support for Open standards

  7. Semantic data

  8. Protocols

  9. Licensing

  10. Support other Free Network Services

  11. Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn

  12. Also

  13. Autonomy

    You deserve the right to manage your own on-line presence.

    If you don't like how Identi.ca works, you can take your data and the source code and set up your own server (or move your account to another one)

  14. How are they similar?

  15. Laconica + WordPress tools

  16. Laconica Apps

    Apps for Laconica:

  17. Laconica Community

  18. Colophon

  19. Thanks!