1. Linked Data Life Cycles

    Confoo, Montreal, 2012-02-29

    #confoo #linkeddata

    Sarven's avatar Sarven Capadisli http://csarven.ca/#i @csarven

    DERI, Ireland
  2. Overview

  3. What's Linked Data?

  4. Technology Context

    Figure of Semantic Web Technologies
  5. Linked Data design principles

    1. URIs as names for things
    2. HTTP URIs so that people can look up those names
    3. When someone looks up a URI, provide useful information, using RDF*, SPARQL
    4. Include links to other URIs for discovery
  6. Core idea

  7. Why Linked Data?

  8. Linked Open Data Cloud

    Linked Open Data cloud diagram as of 2011-09
  9. Linked Data Life Cycles

    Involved parties

  10. Phases

    Figure of Linked Data Life Cycles
  11. Awareness

  12. Modelling

  13. Publishing

  14. Technology Flow

    Figure of the flow of technologies
  15. Discovery

  16. Integration

  17. Use Cases

  18. Applications: School Explorer

    School Explorer Pilot screenshot
  19. Some tools

  20. So there we have it

    Sarven's avatar Sarven Capadisli



  21. Credits