Microformats overview
How to help machines recognise common data formats in Web documents
Coder's Saturday / Station C
Creative Commons
Humans & machines: one of those love/hate stories
- Syntax - How you say something
- Semantics - Meanings behind what has been said
- I love books!
- I
- Communication needs to improve
- Solve: Machine adaptation
What's up with HTML?
- Capturing data in a most meaningful way (i.e. semantics, relationships, order)
- What about common patterns?
Where we are and where we would like to be
- From Web of documents to...
- Web of things/concepts (databases)
A way of thinking about data
- e.g. Photographs are images of some event in time
- The event is located somewhere that we can map
- The occurance of the event date/timestamp
- Entities (i.e, humans, organizations, locations) in the image can be identified
- Description of the event
- Quick keywords
What's up with microformats?
- There are other approaches to the general problem (e.g. RDF, eRDF, RDFa) but ..
- microformats solve specific problems
- Built upon existing and widely adopted standards
- Visible vs. Hidden meta-data
- It is easy to implement microformats
- Microformats do it with
(really!) and other attributes.
- It is not rocket science
hCard markup example
hCard markup example
<div >
<a href="http://csarven.ca/">
<span >Sarven</span>
<span >Capadisli</span>
hCard markup example
<div class="vcard">
<a class="url fn n" href="http://csarven.ca/">
<span class="given-name">Sarven</span>
<span class="family-name">Capadisli</span>
hCard markup example
<div class="vcard">
<a class="url fn n" href="http://csarven.ca/">
<span class="given-name">Sarven</span>
<span class="family-name">Capadisli</span>
Example: hCalendar
Microformats at Coder's Saturday
2008 March 22
Example: hCalendar
<ol >
<li >
<a href="http://csarven.ca/presentations/..."
<span >Microformats at Coder's Saturday</span>
2008 March 22
Example: hCalendar
<ol class="vcalendar">
<li class="vevent">
<a href="http://csarven.ca/presentations/..."
<span class="summary">Microformats at Coder's Saturday</span>
<abbr class="dtstart" title="2008-01-24T1200-05:00">
2008 March 22
Example: hCalendar
<ol class="vcalendar">
<li class="vevent">
<a href="http://csarven.ca/presentations/..."
<span class="summary">Microformats at Coder's Saturday</span>
<abbr class="dtstart" title="2008-01-24T1200-05:00">
2008 March 22
Microformats: 2004 → 2007
- XFN - distributed social network
- blo.gs, WordPress, Rubhub, more…
- rel-license - license links
- CC Creator, Yahoo CC search, Google Search
- XOXO - lists and outlines
- WordPress, Technorati, more…
- VoteLinks - for/against/abstain a link
- hCalendar - events
- Yahoo Upcoming.org, Eventful.com, more…
- hCard - people & orgs
- Avon.com, Eventful.com, more…
- rel-tag - content tagging
- Technorati, Ice Rocket, more…
Cool stuff
- Combine information - mashups (powerful stuff)
- Show me a map of each news story
- Accidental API
- Subscribing to structured content
- Search!
- microformats -> GRDDL -> RDF (awesome!)
- DataPortability.org
Cost and benefits
- Open community development
- Observing common formats in our documents
- Easy to implement
- Standardised documents
- Reuse
- ...?
- Document links
- Browser extensions
- Tools
- Services
- Use in projects
- ...?
Good development process
- Communication and sharing
- Managing projects
- Information architecture
- Development
- Content editorial
- ~~ flow ~~
Microformats Community
- Email
- Blog
- Wiki
- if you find errors, please fix them, like Wikipedia
- advocate microformats support on sites you use
- add examples, help research, brainstorm, etc.
- help translate!