Sarven Capadisli’s Curriculum Vitae
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- Sarven Capadisli
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I work to advance the web to improve society and enhance quality of life, with a strong interest in understanding its social effects.
Elected Member
Guiding the architecture of the web, resolving technical issues, reviewing standards, and ensuring decisions reflect ethical and societal considerations.
Community Group Chair
Facilitating consensus-building among Group members for the development of Solid Technical Reports, including creating charters and convening the group, coordinating with the W3C Team and other W3C Groups, and maintaining Group's process and organisation. Ensuring the group's work fits into Web Architecture.
Web Standards Architect
Boston MA USEditing and authoring Solid Technical Reports; W3C Advisory Committee representative (–); advising the engineering and executive teams on technical specifications. Founder
As the founder and lead developer of dokieli, I have developed it as a decentralised article authoring, annotations, and social interactions tool enabling semantic publishing, executable and interactive documents — a socially-aware read-write application. dokieli is an open source project using open web standards. Creator
Researching and developing linked (statistical) dataspaces and applications:
- World Bank Linked Dataspace
- Transparency International Linked Dataspace
- European Central Bank Linked Dataspace
- International Monetary Fund Linked Dataspace
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Linked Dataspace
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Linked Dataspace
- Swiss Federal Statistics Office Linked Dataspace
- UNESCO Institute for Statistics Linked Dataspace
- Federal Reserve Board Linked Dataspace
- Bank for International Settlements Linked Dataspace
- Australian Bureau of Statistics Linked Dataspace
- Stats Analyses Linked Dataspace Founder
Proposed the Linked Research
principles to the Semantic Web / Web Science community. Created to exemplify goals, e.g., decentralisation, self-storage, annotations, notifications, interactive articles.
Systems Engineer
Harvard Library
Cambridge MA USServe in a systems engineer/strategist capacity for the LD4L project’s pilot Linked Data publication and consumption strategy. Assess project needs (systems design; URI Templates; annotation and notification exchange; best practices etc.) and propose/implement appropriate solutions.
Visiting Student
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge MA USWorking to materialize parts of the (Semantic) Web vision; the Solid project, in the Decentralized Information Group, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.
Scientific Assistant
Bern University of Applied Sciences
Bern CH-BE CHGiving lectures on Linked Data in the Department of Economics, and supervision of Bachelor projects and thesis. Working on EU/CH projects in the E-Government-Institute.
Linked Data Researcher
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
Galway City GY IEResearching and developing technologies for Linked Dataspaces at the Linked Data Research Centre. Primarily in Statistical Linked Dataspaces:
User Experience Designer
StatusNet, Inc.
Montréal QC CACo-designed and architected StatusNet (on Wikipedia: StatusNet, formerly known as Laconica) platform's UI; desktop and mobile browsers, platform widgets, templating, and plugins. Used Apache, PHP, MySQL, HTML, RDF, CSS, JavaScript, Git, MediaWiki. Made product and identity decisions. Collaborated with the open developer community, worked with company clients, instructed graphic designers and other contributors to the project. Platform's flagship site:
User Experience Architect
Transcontinental Media
Montréal QC CALead the integration team, set internal communication protocols, documentation and coding standards, and advised on information architecture and user interface guidelines for magazine sites:
Information Architect
Concordia University Web Communications
Montréal QC CAClient management for assigned sectors within the University. Documented project needs analysis and information architecture:
User Interface Designer — The Free Parenting Guide
Montréal QC CAUser Interface Designer
wikiHow — The How to Manual That You Can Edit
Montréal QC CADesigned wikiHow's MediaWiki UI. Scope of work included; information architecture (IA), branding, selection of colour palettes, typographical testing and layout design.
User Interface Designer — Secure OpenID Provider
Montréal QC CACreated the UI design for an OpenID system using HTML/CSS. Selected the colour palettes and advised on logo and branding for the graphic artist.
User Interface Designer
Wrote the HTML and CSS of a screen design for the EFnet IRC network.
Research Consultant
Researched interactive whiteboard technologies for literacy instruction software in classrooms. Outlined the applicable hardware and software technologies and helped establish timelines for future development.
Java Integrator
Montréal QC CATook on the Integrator role in the Java development team. Involved in planning and developing front-end components; used semantic markup, wrote SEO guidelines, and established an Integrator/UX Analysis documentation.
Latest projects include integration of sites:
Web Administrator / Developer
Campbell Cohen Law Firm
Montréal QC CAUsed standards-compliant code, including security, redundancy, designing and planning the system deployment of 5 sites on a FreeBSD, Apache, MySQL, PHP system setup. Creating reports, documentation, log analysis, as well as intra-net development was part of my routine task list.
Relaunched using Mambo CMS on back-end. Content upgrade, high focus in SEO, integration of CRM (GoldMine) and business requirements with front-end component development.
Administration as above:
User Experience Designer
Research Assistant
University of Windsor
Windsor ON CAResearch responsibilities included reading journals and suggesting attainable alternative AI methods for Job Scheduling in Parallel Computing. Worked under the supervision of Dr. Angela Sodan.
EFnet — The Original IRC Network
YMCA Youth Mentor
Windsor ON CAYouth Mentor, responsible for the after school program at YMCA, and Concord Elementary School for a group of 5-25 students at a time. My responsibilities were further extended with carrying out day camps for children between 5-12 ages.
Gombos Family Youth Mentor
Gombos Family
Ramsau STMK ATYouth Mentor for children ages 5-13, helped learn computer concepts to properly use search engines as well as supervising outdoor activities.
Presentations and Talks
Solid Symposium, Leuven, 2024
Leuven BE-VBR BESpeaker
Institute of Computer Science, University of St. Gallen, 2024
St. Gallen CH-SG CHSpeaker
Semantic Web in Libraries, 2023
Berlin BE DESpeaker
MyData Conference 2023
Helsinki FIIntroduction: What is Solid, where do we stand today?
Doctoral Colloquium, University of Bonn, 2020
Bonn DESpeaker
VIVO Conference, 2019
Podgorica MEEnabling a Socially-Aware Scholarly Ecosystem
Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing, 2019
Copenhagen DKThird-Party Control Considered Harmful
University of Latvia, 2018
Riga LVCall for Linked Research
Beilstein Open Science Symposium, 2018
Rüdesheim HE DEdokieli: A Decentralised Read-Write Web Application
The Future of Research Communication and e-Scholarship, 2018
Montréal QC CASocial Scholarly Web
OpenConSwitzerland, 2018
Bern CH-BE CHAutonomous Scholarly Web
Schloss Dagstuhl Seminar: Knowledge Graphs, 2018
Wadern SL DEEnabling Accessible Scholarly Knowledge Graphs
SCTA, The Digital Future of Scholasticism, 2018
Basel BS CHLinked Data Notifications
Developers Track, The Web Conference, 2018
Lyon ARA FRLinked Specifications, Test Suites, and Implementation Reports
Semantic Web in Libraries, 2017
Hamburg HH DEAuthoring, Annotations, and Notifications in a decentralised Web with Dokieli
Los Alamos National Laboratory Research Library, 2017
Los Alamos NM USdokieli
Making a case for decentralised scholarly communication
ICWE Applications
Rome LZ ITDecentralised Authoring, Annotations and Notifications for a Read-Write Web with dokieli
ESWC Research
Portorož SILinked Data Notifications
Swiss National Science Foundation
Bern CH-BE CHdokieli
Call for Linked Research
Seminar Linked Data in Research and Cultural Heritage
The Hague NL-NH NLCall for Linked Research
Observatory for Knowledge Organisation Systems
Valletta MT-60 MAdokieli: decentralised authoring, annotations and social notifications
University of Fribourg, eXascale Infolab
Fribourg FR CHCall for Linked Research
ISWC 2016 SemStats
Kobe HG JPSparqlines: SPARQL to Sparkline
Semantic Web in Libraries, 2015
Hamburg HH DECall for Linked Research
MIT Internet Policy Research Initiative
Cambridge MA USLinked Research
Cambridge Semantic Web
Cambridge MA USLinked Research
Swiss Statistics Meeting
Bern CH-BE CHStatistical Linked Dataspaces and Analysis
ESWC 2015 Demos
Portorož SIThis ‘Paper’ is a Demo
Lectures on Linked Data
Lectures on Linked Data
Linked Data Europe, European Data Forum
Athens GR-I GRLinked Statistical Data Analysis
CEDAR minisymposium
Amsterdam NL-NH NLLinked Statistical Dataspaces and Analysis
eHumanities research meeting
Amsterdam NL-NH NLLinked Statistical Data Analysis
Confoo 2014
Montréal QC CAStatistical Linked Open Data and Analysis
Confoo 2014
Montréal QC CALinked Data: Publication and Consumption
Séminaire Linked Data, Swiss Federal Archives
Bern CH-BE CHStatistical Linked Dataspaces and Analysis
ISWC 2013 SemStats
Sydney NSW AULinked Statistical Data Analysis
Lectures on Linked Data
Confoo 2012
Montréal QC CARDF and SPARQL: The Peanut Butter and Jam
Confoo 2012
Montréal QC CALinked Data Life Cycles
Open Government Data Camp 2011
Warsaw MV PLDataGovIE : Irish government dataspace
Confoo 2011
Montréal QC CALinked Data: The New Black
Confoo 2010
Montréal QC CAMark, Query, and Visualise
WordCamp Montréal 2009
Montréal QC CAMaking StatusNet and WordPress work together
Montréal QC CAmicroformats in
Guest Lecturer
GLIS 663 Knowledge Taxonomies, McGill University
Montréal QC CAmicroformats: #towerofbabel #pareto #dataportability
PHP Québec Conference 2009
Montréal QC CAWebsite data through the looking-glass
PHP Québec monthly meeting
Montréal QC CAInteracting with microformats
Transcontinental Media Lunch and Learn 02
Montréal QC CAInternal site SEO guidelines
Nstein Innovation Leaders Summit 2008
Montréal QC CACreating next generation Web sites
Coder's Saturday
Montréal QC CAMicroformats overview: how to help machines recognise common data formats in Web documents.
Transcontinental Media Lunch and Learn 01
Montréal QC CAIntroduction to microformats: what they are, why we need them and briefly how to use them.
RoCoCoCamp 2007
Montréal QC CAUser Interface talk on the current wikiHow design.
- Operating Systems
- FreeBSD
- Ubuntu
- Microsoft Windows
Ph.D. Computer Science
University of Bonn
Bonn NW DEDissertation (Linked Research on the Decentralised Web) to obtaining the doctoral degree (Dr. rer. nat.) from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the Rhenish Friedrich Wilhelm University of Bonn. See also.
Thesis: Statistical Linked Dataspaces
B.C.S. Honours [Computer Science]
B.A. General [Psychology]
University of Windsor
Windsor ON CATechnical and Community Contributions
- W3C Technical Architecture Group, Self-Review Questionnaire: Societal Impact, 2025–present: Editor
- W3C Technical Architecture Group, User Agents, 2025–present: Editor
- W3C Technical Architecture Group, 2025–present: Elected Member
- W3C Linked Web Storage Working Group, 2024–present: Invited Expert
- W3C Policy: Positive Work Environment at W3C: Code of Conduct, 2024–present: Contributor
- W3C Solid Community Group, Solid QA, 2023–present: Editor, Author
- W3C Solid Community Group, Solid Protocol, 2019–present: Editor, Author
- W3C Solid Community Group, Web Access Control, 2021–present: Editor, Author
- W3C Solid Community Group, Solid Notifications Protocol, 2021–present: Editor, Author
- W3C Solid Community Group, Solid QA, 2023–present: Editor, Author
- W3C Solid Community Group, 2019–2023: Chair
- Solid Project, 2019–present: Solid Team member, Code of Conduct Committee member
- ISWC SemStats, 2020: Chair/OC member, proceedings manager
- ISWC SemStats, 2019: Chair/OC member, proceedings manager
- ISWC SemStats, 2018: Chair/OC member, proceedings manager
- The Web Conference Researcher Centric Scholarly Communication, 2018: Chair
- WWW LDOW, 2018: Chair/OC, proceedings manager
- ISWC SemStats, 2017: Chair/OC member, proceedings manager
- W3C Semantic Statistics Community Group, 2013–present: Chair, 2017
- W3C Social Web Incubator Community Group, 2017–present: Member
- W3C Recommendation: Linked Data Notifications, 2016-2017: Editor
- ESWC Enabling Decentralised Scholarly Communication, 2017: Chair
- WWW LDOW, 2017: Chair/OC, proceedings manager
- WWW WOW, 2017: OC member
- ISWC SemStats, 2016: Chair/OC member, proceedings manager
- ISWC Resources, 2016: PC member
- WWW Developers Day, 2016: PC member
- W3C Working Group Note Embedding Web Annotations in HTML, 2017: Editor, Author
- W3C Web Annotation Working Group, 2015–2017: Invited Expert
- W3C Social Web Working Group, 2015–present: Invited Expert, Editor, Author
- CEUR-WS, 2015–present: Contributor
- School of Data:arts, 2015–present: Member
-, 2015–present: Contributor
- WISE Decentralized Social Networks, 2015: PC member
- ISWC SemStats, 2015: Chair/OC member, proceedings manager
- ESWC SePublica, 2015: Chair/OC member
- ESWC Managing the Evolution and Preservation of the Data Web, 2015: Reviewer
- ICWE Semantic Web applications, 2015: PC member
- ISWC Data Sets and Ontologies, 2015: PC member
- ESWC Human-Semantic Web Interaction Workshop, 2015: PC member
- DDI Alliance DDI-RDF Discovery Vocabulary, 2012–present: Co-author
- ISWC SemStats, 2014: Chair/OC member, proceedings manager
- ESWC Human-Semantic Web Interaction Workshop, 2014: PC member
- ESWC Semantic Publishing Challenge, 2014: PC member
- ISWC SemStats, 2013: Proceedings manager
- W3C WebID Incubator and Community Group, 2011–present: Contributor
- W3C The RDF Data Cube Vocabulary, 2011–2014: Contributor
- W3C Government Linked Data Working Group, 2011-2014: Member
- microformats, 2006–present: Contributor
- WHATWG, W3C HTML5, 2006–present: Contributor
Scholarly Articles
- Linked Research on the Decentralised Web, Capadisli, 2019
- Linked Specifications, Test Suites, and Implementation Reports, Capadisli, The Web Conference Developers Track, 2018
- Decentralised Authoring, Annotations and Notifications for a Read-Write Web with dokieli, Capadisli, Guy, Verborgh, Lange, Auer, Berners-Lee, ICWE Application, 2017
- Where is Web Science? From 404 to 200, Capadisli, WWW Web Observatories, Social Machines and Decentralisation, 2017
- Linked Data Notifications: a resource-centric communication protocol, Capadisli, Guy, Lange, Auer, Sambra, Berners-Lee, ESWC Linked Data, 2016
- Sparqlines: SPARQL to Sparkline, Capadisli, ISWC SemStats, 2016
- Building Decentralized Applications for the Social Web, Sambra, Guy, Capadisli, Greco, Berners-Lee, WWW Tutorials, 2016
- A Demonstration of the Solid Platform for Social Web Applications, Mansour, Sambra, Hawke, Zereba, Capadisli, Aboulnaga, Ghanem, Berners-Lee, WWW Demonstrations, 2016
- Linked Research: An Approach for Scholarly Communication, Capadisli, Guy, Lange, Auer, Greco, 2016
- dokieli: decentralised authoring, annotations and social notifications, Capadisli, Guy, Auer, Berners-Lee, 2016
- Cooling Down Web Science, Capadisli, 2015
- This ‘Paper’ is a Demo, Capadisli, Auer, Riedl, ESWC Demos, 2015
- Enabling Accessible Knowledge, Capadisli, Auer, Riedl, CeDEM, 2015
- Call for Linked Research, Capadisli, ISWC Developers Workshop, 2014
- Semantic Similarity and Correlation of Linked Statistical Data Analysis, Capadisli, Meroño-Peñuela, Auer, Riedl, ISWC SemStats, 2014
- Linked Statistical Data Analysis, Capadisli, Auer, Riedl, ISWC SemStats, 2013
- Linked Research, Capadisli, ESWC Workshop on Semantic Publishing, 2013
- Linked SDMX Data, Capadisli, Auer, Ngonga Ngomo, Semantic Web Journal, 2013
- Statistical Linked Dataspaces, Capadisli, Master’s thesis, National University of Ireland, 2012